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Sanitary towels in Mukuru


Aurora's monthly meetings happened since February till March when Corona Virus' could not allow us to physically meet. Over 50 pastors were trained in both instances at Reuben area. As we have continued to serve in the slums, it has been evident that the needs in the place are higher and higher than one individual can meet. With a swelling population of over 500,000 people in the Mukuru slums, it is overwhelmingly true that the needs are also diverse. We find out that the vulnerable continue to increasingly be under siege due to the world they live in.

Women, girls and children are faced with difficulties that rise daily.

The first visit we made to Mukuru slums for this worthy cause was on 12th April 2021. We managed to donate sanitary towels to our initial target of 100.

One of the toughest moments we had to listen out to was the 16-year-old mother of 1 who was still in school in form 2. Hers is a tough one since she had to find her own pads since it was hard to get. Her friend introduced her to a motorbike (bodaboda) rider who provided for her for a few months. After establishing trust with her, he invited her to his place to go get the sanitary towels on that fateful day when he raped her and disappeared never to be found.

See photo below blurred for the security reasons and maintaining the dignity of the girls and the baby mentioned in the above story

We plan to keep adding more numbers to the list since the population of Mukuru slums is above half a Million, and half of that is women, and a good guess is that above 100,000 girls are faced with this dilemma every month. This only is a guess and the girls that are going to school are more vulnerable as they face the tough decision between being smart and dignified as smart or suffering the shame of their unattended womanhood issue at their tender age.

Our strong network of pastors in Mukuru has enabled us to come up with the group of girls whom we shall first assist and we shall keep adding to that number as resources allow every month. Below is Pastor Maurice Orimba assisting with distributing the sanitary towels during our recent visit. He is a father to daughters and when we asked for his hand in this initiative he was more than willing to take it up as he has always done with other tasks in his humble demeanor.

We have well-wishers who have listened to the story of Aurora and partnering with us to reach out to more girls and have pledged to help us add 5, 10, 20 and such girls onto our existing list of 100 girls per month. We wish to mentor these girls in offering not only the sanitary towels, but in social well-being of the girls as long as God grants us the ability. Our aim is to assist even the worst hit of our society in raising sustenable help with areas such as clothes and education in the near future.

If you would like to partner with us in this 5-year journey with the girls between 13-17 years, write to us or call us on +254724766620. You can email us on ( and make donations through Mpesa on 0724766620. If wishing to make this an yearly donation, you are also welcome to do it, or bring in-kind-donations of towels themselves. You can donate via our paypal account of (

Nothing is too little and in any case a dollar can assist 2 girls per month to get this much needed asset, so why not send your help to us?

We would like to thank those who have come on board to lighten this burden by offering their dimes for this work.

Tough seasons never last but tough people do!

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