The vision of going to reach out to Warazo-Jet was birthed in my heart after July 2021 upon learning that my mother had been put in charge of a branch in our area. I bashed the idea and kept saying that this was totally the work of her local church. However, God would not allow me to rest until I did what he had commanded me. I applied for my annual leave that only got confirmed by mid October for November, which made things a bit urgent and I even wondered whether this dream of taking the gospel to ourhome area was going to happen. Financially, I was not ready, but when I wrote to a few missionaries and they confirmed availability, I knew we were game! I began thinking about the task and finances. When I called mum to ask her if she was ready to host 20 people, she was a bit hesitatnt, but then again, our sitting room is huge, she said yes and we were good to go for space. A lot of other things were to go into the preparations like food, beddings and so forth, but God provided all these without a hustle.
We partnered in the mission with many other missionaries to make it a success. Such include, Karura Community Chapel, Life Ministry, Altar of Witness Chapel, Ann Voight, Faith Evangelistic Ministry, and other individual ministry partners who gave their resources, time and themselves for the sucess of the mission. Read on to see the unfoldings of the Week's mission to Warazo-Jet.
You would expect the snow on mount Kenya to freeze your life, but our hearts were warmly received with by a team of lovely couple, Pastors Susan John Gichuki and a few elders from Altar of Witness Chapel Warazo Jet. This happened from 21-28th November 2021 as a team of 7 missionaries travelled from Kajiado, Limuru, Ruiru, Busia, Kiambu, and Nanyuki met with a few more others to be 20 in total who ministered in the mission in one way or the other.

The first day, 21st November, we travelled and carried a few clothes to donate to a slum within the region of Warazo-Jet by the name Gichagi. and arrived home by 5:30 pm. We planned on how the mission would look like and the dynamics of each day. A small plan on the daily outlook was the devotional time which began from 6-8am, and shower and breakfast took 8-9:30am. We also took some time to read the word and pray together from 9:30-10:15am daily and took off to door to door. 10:15-2pm used to be for travel for door to door, and this was a time we were paired into different partners every day. This made sure that the missionaries had time with different members of the team for purposes of networking. We were to travel back to the feeding and resting station by 2pm, take lunch and debrief. The teams came back excited with good news of what God had been doing among them. Some prayed for sick, others for the hurting, others for those needing to connect to God for salvation, while some just needed general prayers. Others still had sulked due to the situations they had met as their day had been rough.

Day 2 of mission, 22nd was a blessed first day of ministry. A team of 9 missionaraies went out to reach out to Meeting, an area that we did less than the normal hours since it was our first day. However, we managed to reach to over 100 people and 14 received Jesus as their Lord. We prayed with a lady who had been hurt by her neighbors since after her first born's accident, she lost the last born on the same day and while still at it, the neighbors could not condole with her. They told her that she deserved what she was facing. That really hurt and broke her and she was completely hurt. When we prayed with her, she screamt out aloud and felt that at least someone cared for her. At night we showed Jesus Film to many people who gathered in the area. Half-way the show, the local authorities showed up for a bribe and claimed that they had not been informed about the film, yet the host church had applied and been given a permit to operate in the week. The authorities threatened to confiscate the expesnive equipment but after over half and hour tassle, there was a calm. The huge crowd which knows what the authorities has been doing to them already scattered by the time, we were done with negotiations. Though faced with challenges, it was evident that the people needed Jesus.

Day 3 we went to a place called Judea. In this place we had two interesting spaces we visited. We had a shrine claimiing Jesus and traditionalism while the other one is a Mosque. Then we did pray with my cousin to receive Jesus as his Savior. Judea had been feared as a place with witches yet God took care of us, and enabled us to do ministry and gave us victory there.

Day 4 was more amazing as we headed to Gichagi and did a holistic ministry to this region. We reached a group of boda boda (bike guys) 24 in number of which 12 gave their lives to Christ on one go and the rest we did door to door. We got a chance to meet two pastors who minister at the area, a lady Pastor Florence who hosted us for lunch and we prayed with her husband who is yet to receive Christ. We also prayed with a Baptist pastor who received clothes on behalf of the people living in the slums of Gichagi. The evening was marked with loads of joy from the mean who asked how God had remembered them to a point that even they, had clothes. Coutesy of Karura Community Chapel, we had clothes to donate to the villagers and also had three missionaries fully sponsored to travel and stay throughought the whole week. Below are some photos from the day.

Day 4 to day seven were done at Maston where the church is currently located. We had door to door activities, a bonfire on Saturday night, three crusades, and a prayer walk in Mt. Kenya Forest. The total work done in the area was immense as the people were in need of the gospel and prayer. There however were a few challenges. The weather was literally unbearable for the last two days. It rained heavily and it was muddy in a way that walking with umbrellas would not have worked.
see photos below

The whole mission was a success as we ministered to over 720 people since as we went around the villages, people would point out and say they would hear our PA system from their homes. But we did a head count of how many had attended the open-air meetings, Jesus Film shows and bonfire as well as the many person-to-person outreaches we did. We had 99 people receive Christ in total by the time we finished the mission that Sunday of 28th November.
We have received reports a week later from the Altar of Witness Chapel telling us that 16 people attended the service last Sunday. There are those who have called in to ask for prayers agaist witchcraft as they feel they have been oppressed over the years by forces they feel they have had no control over. A lot of people are asking for the missionaries to go back and pray for and with them.