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Why I would have shot my mother


Why I would have shot my own mother

So, the day before my scheduled operation, my mother arrived in my house from the village, I went and picked her up from the bus station. We had a very good catch up from the bus-stop and left for my place safely and faster. We arrived in my house and as always, I welcomed her, gave her some warm water to shower, and some warm clothes since the evening was fast-approaching. I showed her around my house and I could tell she was proud of her daughter.

Why then would I want to shoot my own mother, am I having some anger or bitterness issues?

Read on to understand before you make a wrong turn and bring derision to your own thought-pattern.

So I made use of the rich products from the village which she had brought and our supper was good to go. I discovered that she had rushed in her coming when I could not find some milk as part of her goodies bag. I remembered the one time I sliced my brother’s head with a sharp panga and how my mother rushed him to the hospital with muddy clothes and no shoes on. So Maggie, are you saying you really have been trying to wipe your family out due to bitterness? Oh please, can you keep reading before you conclude I need some spiritual counselling and deliverance.

So when we were at about the age of me (9) and my small brother (6) we were having our sibling moments and began being responsible children to our family by splitting the firewood for those who know what this means. It is one of your duties to look for and split firewood if you’re lucky enough to grow up in the village. So, the firewood lay outside, out mother had just served us lunch, and was getting ready to attend the fellowship at a far place and she needed to rush because she needed to walk for long. As she got inside their bedroom, she left me and my brother to do our afternoon chores, not to slice each other or firewood, but fetch water and wash the dishes. But who were we to begin with what we were told to do, we took pangas and took one light but straight firewood and began splitting it from opposite ends. It began as a good adventure, and none of us was fighting with each other, however, as we split the wood, we drew closer and then too close to split each other. Since I was taller than he was, I didn’t realize how close I had come to my dear brother and at once, he moved closer to me as my panga was up in the skies returning to the wood. At once I felt kwa! Oh my poor young brother’s mid-head had turned into a pool of blood. Things were happening so fast because my mother had hardly began taking a shower from the muddy piece of land next our river (mutaro) where she had spent her morning farming. It was barely five minutes after getting inside to shower I guess she was still contemplating on what dress to wear for the church occasion, when the loud scream from both me and my brother took her outside to where we were. She quickly called my aunt and grandmother who poured salt, sugar and water on my brother’s forehead to stop the bleeding before my brother could get to the hospital for further treatment. She scolded me for my carelessness and I was so worried of losing my brother to bleeding. I cried so much when my mother took him to the hospital. Only on her way back did she realize that she had gone with muddy clothes to the hospital due to her motherly instincts that pulled her to saving her son’s life in a not-smart way anyway. So I was very worried, I guess she could tell I had not intentionally sliced my brother’s head but an accident…fast-forward to my story three week ago. I scanned through my mother’s goody-bag and found, milk which is always in plenty at home was missing, she had also promised to send via courier some berries for me to plant in my kitchen garden. I saw her clothes bag and she had carried few clothes.

Anayways we prayed to go to bed and yes she was not ready to spend on my bed with me since she had another option. She slept in another room and I spent on my bed as usual. However, that is why our problems sprung from. Maggie deeply troubled over the surgery awaiting her went through hallucinations, yes you heard me right it was hallucinations which began immediately after I fell asleep. Around midnight, I heard the bathroom door open, and I saw some lights on. It dawned on me that thieves had managed to get into the sitting room, broke into the corridor door and were on the way to my bedroom! I was so shocked, I ran fast to close my bedroom door, I also was looking for something to kick the first gang to break into my door, if I had a gun, I could have shot the ring leader. I figured they had managed to come through the roof since by all means, opening my sitting room door needed some hard labor. Anyways, now that they had come to try kill me or steal from me, why was I waiting to be killed, I at once thought that I had a phone, but I feared that it could cos me my life, shaken and waiting to die any soon, I flashed back and remembered that it was not a thief, it was my lovely mother in the bathroom. I felt so silly that my thoughts had been this affected by my fears and I even waited for her to finish, I told her, mum, do you know am shaking like a leaf in storm, I could have shot you just like a joke if I had a gun. I had thought it was a thief! She busted into laughter and we both went back to bed. I realized that living alone can cost you your people especially when they visit and your mind doesn’t record they are still around in the middle of the night when they have to use the facilities in the house.

For my good counselors who thought I need to be reconciled with my mum, thank God we are in very good terms with her. You realize you cannot judge a book by its cover!

Otherwise, thanks for reading to the end, why don’t you leave a comment and repost or share with friends!

Those of us who think an operation is a joke, I shall be sharing what happened to me during and after the operation I had. Let’s keep reading and reposting, but also, lets grow in our writing.

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Jim Masibo
Jim Masibo
Mar 03, 2021

I almost fainted when reading...Maggie, this is great

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